Reports violations of rules or illegal behavior through this whistleblowing channel

Whistleblowing is recognized as an important tool for uncovering unlawful acts, as it offers whistleblowers appropriate protection.

With this in mind, on December 16, 2019, Directive (EU) 2019/1937 on the protection of persons who report violations of Union law entered into force. Italy transposed Directive (EU) 2019/1937 through the adoption of Legislative Decree No. 24 of March 10, 2023.

In the reporting system, it is possible to quickly, easily and safely report unlawful conduct, relevant violations in accordance with Legislative Decree no. 231 of 8 June 2001 and the organizational, management and control model adopted, and violations that harm the public interest or the interest in the integrity of the public administration and/or the institution, in accordance with Legislative Decree 24/2023.

The aim of this system is to encourage and enable people to report facts or unlawful operations that violate national or EU regulations in accordance with Legislative Decree no. 24 of March 10, 2023 and that could affect the company's processes, the credibility and honor of Società Meranese Servizi S.p.A.

Notifications under this procedure must be made in good faith or on the basis of reasonable suspicion in relation to the following points:

  • Environment: environmental protection, improper waste disposal, pollution of water, air and subsoil, etc.
  • Public procurement: Bribery of a person responsible for a public service, disclosure and use of official secrets, etc.
  • Combating corruption: bribery in court proceedings, improper inducement to grant or promise benefits, etc.
  • Ethics: Conduct that violates the company's code of ethics, such as discrimination based on gender, age, origin, exclusion, favoritism, etc.
  • Straftaten und Ordnungswidrigkeiten im Sinne von Model 231
  • Data protection: Processing or disclosure of personal data without the consent of the data subject, etc.
  • Health and safety in the workplace: presence of hazardous situations, equipment and machinery in poor/unhealthy condition, lack of PPE provision, lack of prescribed procedures, etc.
  • Other (not listed): e.g. other administrative, accounting, civil or criminal violations, violations falling within the scope of the European Union or national laws listed in the annex to Legislative Decree no. 24 of March 10, 2023

All reports will be considered and each report will be given a return.

The reporter is required to fill out in as much detail as possible the form below, only in this way can the Company have all the elements for the appropriate verifications.

Please use the following form to report your case!

Type of report - please enter the type of report in the next menu and then describe the facts in detail
I have read and understood the privacy policy. I agree to an electronic storage and processing of my entered data to answer my request.